Essay Consulting and Editing
It is no secret that while high SAT scores impress the admissions officers, it is your essays that wins their hearts and gets you to stand out above the application pile. We will help you single out the noteworthy experiences in your life which illustrate the prominent individual that you are and will help you formulate an essay that both grabs the reader and communicates who you are as a candidate.

SAT Exam Preparation
The secret of your success with SAT coaching is simple - we tailor our lessons to your needs. We identify your weak areas and focus on them while developing your strengths at the same time. There are a number of strategies and tricks you can use to maximize your chances of a good score and to improve your time. We will gladly share them with you and rejoice in your success!

Comprehensive Application Consulting
Applying to Ivy League universities is a strenuous and stressful project. There are many deadlines to be met and decisions to be made along the way. Where should I apply early decision? Which university is most likely to accept me? How many applications can I prepare? What essays should I write and what is each one seeking to discover about me? We will be with you the whole time to help you organize yourself and help you answer these questions. We have done this before!
Fastlane to the Ivy League
We are a group of Ivy League university graduates with diplomas from academic institutions spanning from Harvard to Stanford.
All of us grew up in a country other than the United States and worked our way up to attending prestigious colleges and getting some of the best education available anywhere today. Like you, we had a dream of going to the United States and taking advantage of gold standard ivy league universities.
We made it, now it’s your turn!
Interview Preparation
1We coach our students not only on the content of their answers but also how to formulate them. How you answer is almost as important for your interviewers as what you answer. It is essential to be able to organize your thoughts and confidently communicate them. We help you develop your answers and your style of answering.
Early Application Consulting
2We are your advisor throughout the process of your application and that is why we encourage you as soon as you make up your mind to apply. Indeed, the students who contact us 1-2 years before the application process do best because we can also advise them on what extracurricular activities to pursue and how to do so.
3Many of our students are either currently in the United States or are applying from cities other than Shanghai. We are pleased to accommodate their needs by offering our consultation and teaching services over Skype or other VoIP technologies.
Letters of Recommendation
4What figures of authority and mentors say about you is very important to the admissions officers. We will help you select the mentors most relevant to your qualities and the discipline you seek to pursue and advise you on how to ask for them.