• About Us

    We are a group of Ivy League university graduates with diplomas from academic institutions spanning from Harvard to Stanford. All of us started off in a country other than the United States and worked our way up to attending prestigious colleges and getting some of the best education available anywhere today. Like you, we had a dream of going to the United States and attending a gold standard ivy league university. We made it, not it’s your turn!

    Contrary to popular belief, getting accepted to American universities is not a function of numbers, although having high scores is good, it is a function of individuality and standing out. Over the years the admission standards in US colleges and universities have evolved into carefully weighing the overall academic performance as well as the individuality of each candidate. Time and again we hear from students with fantastic scores on tests who have been rejected by their top choice institutions and who are in need of that extra push to make their dream come true. This is where we come in. This is what we do from moring to evening – get your application to reflect your personality and uniqueness, such that you can shine through that stack of of papers. Admission officers go by a very fine-tuned set of criteria which we have made it our job to decypher so as to position our clients in the best possible light and give them the best chance of being accepted. We have techniques for applealing to the admissions offices both on a conscious and subconscious level – they are professionals but they are human too.

    Over the many years of experience helping Chinese students apply for colleges, we are familiar not only with the mentality of the admissions officers but we have also tailored our counsel to address the particular patterns we have obselrved with Chinese students in particular, so they would improve their chance of admission in their top choice institutions.

    Contact us when you are ready to find out how we can help you significantly improve your chance of admission. Timing is essential, which is why we believe that the earlier you start, the better your chances are of success.