• Services

    Ivy Bridges is a college admissions consulting company created and run by bright young people who have been through the difficult but rewarding path of college applications and who were able to achieve their goal of attending top tier American universities.  Our expertese as consultants is in facilitating admissions to the American Ivy League institutions and other top-tier colleges. The highly competitive and subjective nature of the process of selection of these schools makes it difficult to choose which one suits you best and how to maximize your chances of acceptance there.

    You can benefit from our admissions advice and services at any point of your application process but we do urge you to consider doing so as early as possible as it significantly increases your chances of success with our help.

    Here are some of the consultation services we offer, although we do tend to tailor our services to your particular needs:

    • Devise an Application Strategy: Based on your particular talents and aspirations we can help you make up a shortlist of elite colleges and universities which would best suit your needs, your time availability and your other personal considerations, such as location, weather, size of school, etc. We will help you get organized with exam dates and preparation timelines, helping you shape your extra-curricular activities, early decision dates, application deadlines, campus visits, etc.
    • SAT Preparation: We offer courses to prepare you for your SAT exams tailored to your particular exam taking weaknesses. You can take advantage of these courses in person with individual attention or in a group. You can also take the classes by teleconferencing into an individual or group session. In either case, rest ashured that even our group classes are always of a size permitting personal attention to your test taking improvement.
    • College Selection: For students who are not very familiar with the available top tier colleges and universities, we offer guidance and providing information on the various institutions. Due to our familiarity and experience throughout the years, we are able to supply “insider” information to our students of each institutions, such that they can have enough information to make a decision of which shortlist of schools fit them best. As many of our consultants have attended or are currently attending some of these institutions, you will be able to ask as many quetsions as you have and satisfy all your curiosity about the academic and recreational life these schools have to offer. We are also aware if the specific criteria the various institutions apply when making admission decisions and we can advise you on how to best present your experiences and interests to speak to these criteria.
    • Essay Advice and Editing: It is no secret – allying to ivy league institutions requires the writing of many essays, many of which will be on esoteric or tricky topics. You may be overwhelmed, even exasperated by the amount of work and time it would take to draft and perfect your college application essays. We have an established sistem to organize, categorize and prioritize the essays that you will need to write and we offer in depth analysis and advice on what each topic calls for. We will help you outline and draft your essays and when you have done your best, we will help you polish it to perfection. The truth is that it is the essays, above any other part of the application, that set you apart from the application pile, the admissions officer may be momentarily impressed by the high SAT score you can boast, but she will only remember the heartfelt story from your childhood which inspired you to apply to her institution. We will prompt you to recall and describe such relevant experiences, which you may not even have thought are significant or may be helpful in your application, this is where our expertese comes in.
    • Interview Preparation: The college interview is like that last step that the college needs to embrace you as their student. They have already been blown away by what a bright and promising young student you are and now they only need to confirm that by meeting or speaking with you over the phone. This phase of the application is just as crucial and the rest as it may dissuade an institution from admissing you despite being an otherwise excellent candidate. The reasons for this are highly sublective and interpersonal. As we specialize in international students, we know that cultural differences may come in the way of a cordial and successful interview. The main objective would be to get the interviewer to like you and to want to sit next to you in the college cafeteria. We will help you overcome the age and cultural differences that may trip you up during the interview. We will also give you the questions you may expect and run you through as many mock interviews as you would need to perfect your presentation.
    • Letters of Recommendation: Admissions officers place a lot of credibility on letters of recommendation, not only because they are authored by your professors and others of authority who are familiar with you, but also because they are the only part of your application which is entirely objective. We will help you identify the faculty members who will speak the most to your credentials and experiences based on the institutions you have selected and on the academic fields you wish to pursue.
    • Optimizing Your Applicant Identity: We come accoss many exceptional students who have interests and experiences in fields other than academics. We highly encourage such activities and achievements because they also tend to single you out not only as an applicant but also as a rounded individual who will bring a new aspect to the institution’s campus. Whether your talents lie in arts, robotics, astdebate, visual arts, computing, sports or another field, it may only help you shine in another light on your application. We help you use showcase that talent appropriately within the rest of your credentials such that you can further inpress and plant your candidacy on the admission officers’ minds.
    • Extra-Curricular Activities: Most students we work with tend to overemphacise their academic achievements and neglect to mention or develop any extracurricular interests or activities. This is why we like to start working with students 1-2 years prior to their application period, so they can best choose and appropriately focus on non-academic activities and leadership which will mazimize their chances of acceptance in a top tier American university. We can evaluate what would best suit your talents and your aspirations for admission and we can help you shape those experiences timely.

    Our students are often surprised at how different the criteria and attitudes tend to be of the elite American institutions. Just like you, they have developed a unique identity which they jealosly seek to preserve by accepting only students that would embrace and thrive within that ideantity. As your college application consultants, we will help you understand and shape your candidacy to that criteria such that you maximize your chances of admission.